Our Maltese

Meet our Maltese….

Elvis, Priscilla, Presley, LisaMarie, Jenny Cash, Loretta Lynn, Emmylou, Suzie, Reba, Millie-Nelson, Dixie, Dolly and Banks William, Jr.

maltese gang blog board

maltese collage 2

Elvis (retired)

Meet Priscilla (retired)

Meet Presley (over the rainbow)

presley collage

Lisa Marie (retired)

Loretta Lynn

loretta lynn headshot





and Reba




Dixie & Dolly



Our Male Maltese Stud – Banks William Jr.

  • Tina Toranzo - June 8, 2015 - 6:07 am

    Looking for a male maltese, those pictures you have of your maltese and puppies are adorable. Can you give me more information on pricing please? Thanks in advanceReplyCancel

  • Patricia Elkin - February 17, 2016 - 10:45 pm

    I am interested in adopting an older (adult) Maltese, or whom you may have retired.
    If this is possible, will you please let me know. I am at ot home much of the time.I am a retired RN, and really need a companion. Thanks.


  • Patricia Elkin - February 19, 2016 - 2:16 am

    Can you let me know if you try to find homes for your retired Maltese.

    I would love to adopt one. Thanks very much. PatReplyCancel

  • Sarah - June 12, 2016 - 11:10 pm

    Hi, I am looking for a female Maltese. Do you have any available? Thanks!ReplyCancel

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